Singaporean Mahjong Reference Sheet

Scoring (by Doubles)

Winner’s score is y = x(2^n) with n doubles and a base score of x. If the winner wins off a self-draw, all other players pay 2y. Otherwise, the player that discarded the winning tile pays 2y, and all others pay y.

One Double

Criteria Notes
Animal Tile  
Seat Flower  
Pung of Dragons  
Pung of Round Wind  
Pung of Seat Wind  
All Chows (with flowers or animals) Pair cannot be a dragon or seat/round wind, and must wait for two or more different tiles for completion if winning off opponent discard
Little Three Dragons/Three Little Scholars 2 dragon pungs and 1 dragon pair
Flower Kong Bonus Draw all 4 of one flower color
Animal Kong Bonus Draw all 4 animal tiles
Robbing the Kong A player draws a tile and tries to promote their melded pung to kong, but someone wins off that tile
Win from Kong/Flower/Animal Replacement Win off the replacement tile you draw for getting a kong/flower/animal
Win from Last Tile Draw  

Two Doubles

Element Criteria
All Pungs  
Semi-Pure Hand (“Half Color”) Only 1 suit and honor tiles
Little Four Winds/Four Little Blessings 3 wind pungs and 1 wind pair
Mixed Terminals and Honors Only 1s, 9s, and honor tiles

Four Doubles

Element Criteria
Pure Hand (“Full Color”) Only 1 suit, no honor tiles
All Chows (without any flowers or animals) Pair cannot be a dragon or seat/round wind, and must wait for two or more different tiles for completion if winning off opponent discard

Limit Hand

Element Criteria
Heavenly Win Dealer has a complete hand before discarding
Earthly Win Win off the first discard by the dealer
Flower Win Instant win by drawing 8 flowers, or complete your hand with 7 flowers
Robbing the Last Flower Winner first draws 7 flowers, then an opponent draws the last flower
Win after Consecutive Kong replacement (“Kong-on-Kong Win”) Win after drawing the second replacement tile for two consecutive kongs
Thirteen Orphans/Thirteen Wonders 1 and 9 of each suit, 1 of each honor tile (will have one pair)
Big Three Dragons/Three Great Scholars Instant win by having all 3 dragons pungs
Big Four Winds/Four Great Blessings Instant win by having all 4 wind pungs
All Honors  
All Terminals Only 1s or 9s, no honor tiles
All Concealed Pungs/Four Concealed Pungs  
All Kongs  
Nine Gates Self-drawn in one suit: 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9

Instant Payout

Criteria Points
Kong 2
Cat + Rat 2, 4 if both in initial 13 tiles
Rooster + Centipede 2, 4 if both in initial 13 tiles
Animal Kong Bonus (all 4 animals) 4 (on top of original payments)
Both Seat flowers 2, 4 if both in initial 13 tiles
Flower Kong Bonus (all 4 flowers of one color) 4

Scoring (by Type)

Winner’s score is y = x(2^n) with n doubles and a base score of x. If the winner wins off a self-draw, all other players pay 2y. Otherwise, the player that discarded the winning tile pays 2y, and all others pay y.

Chows or Pungs Only

Criteria Notes Score
All Chows (with flowers or animals) Pair cannot be a dragon or seat/round wind, and must wait for two or more different tiles for completion if winning off opponent discard 1 double
All Chows (without any flowers or animals) Pair cannot be a dragon or seat/round wind, and must wait for two or more different tiles for completion if winning off opponent discard 4 doubles
All Pungs   2 doubles
All Concealed Pungs/Four Concealed Pungs   Limit hand


Criteria Notes Score
All Semi-Pure Hand (“Half Color”) Only 1 suit and honor tiles 2 doubles
Pure Hand (“Full Color”) Only 1 suit, no honor tiles 4 doubles
Mixed Terminals and Honors Only 1s, 9s, and honor tiles 2 doubles
All Honors   Limit hand
All Terminals Only 1s or 9s, no honor tiles Limit hand

Pungs of Honor Tiles

Criteria Notes Score
Pung of Dragons   1 double
Pung of Round Wind   1 double
Pung of Seat Wind   1 double
Little Three Dragons/Three Little Scholars 2 dragon pungs and 1 dragon pair 1 double
Little Four Winds/Four Little Blessings 3 wind pungs and 1 wind pair 2 doubles
Big Three Dragons/Three Great Scholars Instant win by having all 3 dragons pungs Limit hand
Big Four Winds/Four Great Blessings Instant win by having all 4 wind pungs Limit hand


Criteria Notes Score
Kong   Instant 2 points
Win from Kong Replacement Win off the replacement tile you draw for getting a kong 1 double
Robbing the Kong A player draws a tile and tries to promote their melded pung to kong, but someone wins off that tile 1 double
Win after Consecutive Kong replacement (“Kong-on-Kong Win”) Win after drawing the second replacement tile for two consecutive kongs Limit hand
All Kongs   Limit hand


Criteria Notes Score
Win from Last Tile Draw   1 double
Heavenly Win Dealer has a complete hand before discarding Limit hand
Earthly Win Win off the first discard by the dealer Limit hand
Thirteen Orphans/Thirteen Wonders 1 and 9 of each suit, 1 of each honor tile (will have one pair) Limit hand
Nine Gates Self-drawn in one suit: 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 Limit hand


Criteria Notes Score
Animal Tile   1 double
Cat + Rat   Instant 2 points, 4 if both in initial 13 tiles
Rooster + Centipede   Instant 2 points, 4 if both in initial 13 tiles
Animal Kong Bonus Draw all 4 animal tiles 1 double AND instant 4 points (on top of original payments)
Win from Animal Replacement Win off the replacement tile you draw for getting a animal 1 double


Criteria Notes Score
Seat Flower   1 double
Both Seat flowers   Instant 2 points, 4 if both in initial 13 tiles
Flower Kong Bonus Draw all 4 of one flower color 1 double AND instant 4 points
Win from Flower Replacement Win off the replacement tile you draw for getting a flower 1 double
Flower Win Instant win by drawing 8 flowers, or complete your hand with 7 flowers Limit hand
Robbing the Last Flower Winner first draws 7 flowers, then an opponent draws the last flower Limit hand


Building the wall: Dealer and opposite player build a 19 x 2 wall. The other two players build an 18 x 2 wall.

Breaking the wall: Dealer rolls two dice to get the sum x, then counts x players in a counterclockwise direction, starting with themself (i.e., the count should land on the player in the seat that’s x modulo 4). The player whose wall was chosen rolls two dice to get the sum y. Count x + y tiles from the right of the chosen wall, then stack the x + y tile on the tile to its right.

Dealing: In a counterclockwise direction, deal 4 tiles to the dealer, 4 tiles to seat 2, 4 tiles to seat 3, and so on until every player has 12 tiles. Give the dealer 2 more tiles by picking up the next tile of the first column, skipping the next (second) column, then grabbing the top tile of the third column. Give seat 2 the bottom tile of the first column, give seat 3 the top tile of the skipped (second) column, then give seat 4 the bottom of the skipped (second) column.

Winds and seats: East = seat 1 (dealer), South = seat 2, West = seat 3, and North = seat 4. The seats are assigned counterclockwise from the dealer and rotate counterclockwise if a player besides the dealer wins. If there is a draw, the seats do not rotate. When the first dealer becomes dealer again, the prevailing wind changes (same order as the seats: it starts as East, then becomes South, West, North).